Well many on here know me as their team manager or as a team manager or maybe just as a parent!
And most would call me zealous LOL
Most team managers have taken HOURS of player safety classes (First Aid/AED, Concussion Awareness RTP protocols, Sexual Abuse Awareness and Prevention to name a few) and REPEATED/RENEWED EVERY YEAR!
Let’s add that we give our social security numbers to clubs for background and security checks. Set up multiple login credentials AND a conservative estimate is FRONTED TENS of THOUSANDS of dollars over a few years in tournament fees, coaching fees, Hotel Room Blocks (ever tried to get 20 affordable hotel rooms in a decent hotel 10 minutes from the field with a variety of dining options) and Team Dinners las a TM.
And every TM I know is MORE than willing to do so.
I have sent my share of “lengthy emails that detail my expectations of parents” usually that you PAY ME BACK using MY preferred method of payment or BOOK YOUR HOTEL ROOM ON TIME or when I ask for Player Waivers TO BE SIGNED ON TIME
and someone mentioned above lots of other emails from the TM come from Club. Don’t park here Don’t abuse the refs and those usually come to me as “Team Managers please remind your parents that … “
We as regular parents are over committed and over communicated to already with schools work and extra curricular emails it’s great when the players get old enough we can funnel communications in that direction but still need to make sure the parents get all the info.
As for who is staying and who if going and who gets more or less playing time. No team manager knows any of that for certain and there is not a single parent (regardless of team manager or not) who doesn’t have an opinion about it though LOL Some of us are just better at keeping our mouths shut than others !!!
(We also have opinions about Coaches, Clubs, and Leagues too LOL But doesn’t mean we have inside info OR that our kids get preferential treatment)
So to the OP … IF you really are willing to be a TM tell the coach at the end of the season. Hell tell the TM … That crazy zealot might just LOVE the fact someone else asked and wants the job (That’s how I got my “job” in the first place the old TM said “thank god yup it’s yours” and both prior team managers stayed with the team for years after) and it’s how this is my last year and I get to pass it on to the next crazy over zealous team manager who can take their turn giving back their time money hours dollars sweat love dedication and determination
Apologies if I am the Zealot and Wishing you well when you take over your kids team and if you ever need any help let us know! Lots of TMs on the forum will be glad to assist!!!